Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Is the free internet going to die?
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Stefan Sagmeister(amazing designer)
Stefan Sagmeister

☂1920s/1940s inspiration

Sunday, 14 February 2010
☂ Some cute animations.
Abih of thinking and some typing togo with that. ☂
Monday, 8 February 2010
30 Seconds To Mars - Vox Populi
"This is a call to arms, gather soldiers
Time to go to war
This is a battle song, brothers and sisters
Time to go to war
Did you ever believe?
Were you ever a dreamer?
Ever imagine heart open and free?
Did you ever deny?
Were you ever a traitor?
Ever in love with your bloodless disease?
This is a call to arms, gather soldiers
Time to go to war
This is a battle song, brothers and sisters
Time to go to war
Ever want to be free?
Do you even remember?
Want to be god and devil like me?
Ever want to just stop?
Do you want to surrender?
Or fight for victory?
Here we are at the start, I can feel the beating of our hearts
Here we are at the start...
Darkness falls, here comes the rain to wash away the past and the names
Darkness falls, here comes the rain to end it all, the blood and the game
Far, far away in a land that time can't change
Long, long ago in a place of hearts and gold
Far, far away in a land that time can't change
Long, long ago in a place of hearts and gold
This is a call to arms, gather soliders
Time to go to war (Far, far away...)
This is a battle song, brothers and sisters
Time to go to war (Long, long ago...)
This is a call to arms, gather soliders
Time to go to war (Far, far away...)
This is a battle song, brothers and sisters
Time to go to war
This is a call to arms, way of the night
This is a battle song, way of the night"
Piece's of my work all relating to my FMP
Prezi brainstorm for 3D animation
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Diary Entry 1 : 5/02/2010
Okay well this is my first diary entry for my final major project and I haven't a clue what to say, if i'm honest with you.
Okay well here I go talking about this last week, Well for a starter I was stressing out because of a university interview. So I spent all weekend re-designing my design's because the size of the image's was incorrect, Then came into college on monday to start preparing my portfolio for wednesday but because I layed the design's out wrong in the actual portfolio I had to restart again on some of the pages, plus I had a problem with one of my designs on the tuesday. My avatar inspired piece came out raven blue rather then jet black, So in my interview I had to example what happened.
On the actual interview day I decided to get up at 6 and leave by 7 to get to swansea because I had been told the traffic would be horrid. People where right the traffic was horrid but the weather was terrible. I could hardly see the road due to the rain but then I start to imagine the roads all being in cartoon and the pylons also being in cartoon but bouncing like jelly at the same time, Which has influenced/inspired to create an illustration piece.
Thank you
Riah ♡